


Every classroom has its own dynamics and individuals who play a certain role. In my high school English class, our classmate Mary stood out as the class leader, or rather the "English captain." She had the confidence, intelligence, and eloquence that made her the perfect candidate for the role. However, one day, Mary made an unusual request that led to an unexpected turn of events. She asked me to water her little strawberry plant during our lunch break, and I did not expect what would happen next.

The Little Strawberry Plant

Mary's strawberry plant was not something you would expect from a serious student like her. It was a small, potted plant, adorned with pink ribbons and little hearts. She would usually place it on her desk during class, and I would sneak a peek every once in a while. One day, during lunchtime, she handed me the plant and asked me to water it. I obliged, thinking it was a simple task, but I did not expect what would come next.

The Unusual Request


As I watered the plant, Mary knelt beside me and whispered, "Can you do me a favor?" I looked at her, and she said, "I want you to…tend to it, if you know what I mean." At that moment, I was clueless as to what she meant, but soon, it became clear. She wanted me to "bucket" her little strawberry plant, which was a slang word for helping it grow bigger. I was in shock, not expecting such a request from someone like Mary.

The Unexpected Turn of Events

Without much thinking, I agreed to her request, but I soon found that it was not as easy as I thought. Watering and "bucketing" the plant required time, effort, and patience. It became a routine, and I would check on the plant every lunch break. However, something unexpected happened. The plant started growing bigger, and soon, it had tiny strawberries sprouting from its stems. Mary was ecstatic when she saw it, thanking me for my help.

The Lesson Learned

What started as a simple request ended up teaching me valuable lessons. It showed me that even the most serious and confident individuals have unique qualities that may not be apparent at first. It also taught me that sometimes, the unexpected can lead to an outcome that is better than what we initially planned. Lastly, it taught me that small acts of kindness can lead to significant success, no matter how tiny or insignificant it may seem.


As I walked out of the classroom, I looked back at the little strawberry plant on Mary's desk. It reminded me of the unexpected turn of events that happened during lunch breaks and the valuable lessons I have learned. Who would have thought that a simple request would lead to such a memorable experience? It was a reminder that even the little things in life can create a significant impact if we give them enough time, effort, and patience.

