


Cheating is often considered an unethical and dishonest behavior, which is discouraged in educational institutions. However, when it comes to exams, some students feel the pressure to perform exceptionally well and end up resorting to cheating. In this article, we will explore a unique approach to cheating in English class taught by a black person.

Learning English from a Black Teacher

When it comes to learning English, people generally assume that only native English speakers or individuals with British accents can teach the language effectively. However, a distinct approach to learning English can be found with Black teachers who embrace Black English as a legitimate dialect of the language.

Black English, also known as African American Vernacular English (AAVE), is a dialect of English that is spoken by many African Americans. It has its own unique grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, which can often be misunderstood or considered improper by those who are not familiar with it.


Despite the criticism, many linguists have recognized Black English as a legitimate form of English, and some Black teachers have started teaching it as a legitimate dialect in the classroom, which can make learning English more relatable and accessible for African American students.

How to Cheat in a Black Teacher's English Class

As the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Similarly, if you are taking English class taught by a Black teacher, you might want to consider using African American Vernacular English to cheat on your exams.

Many Black English phrases go unnoticed by teachers who are not familiar with the dialect. Therefore, by using Black English expressions in your exam answers, you can be sure to gain some extra points and improve your grades.

For instance, instead of writing "I do not understand," you can write "I don't be gettin' it." Similarly, instead of saying "They are not," you can say "They ain't," which is a common phrase used in Black English.

However, it is essential to note that cheating in any form is not a sustainable way to learn and can harm your personal and academic growth in the long run. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on your studies and try to develop ethical ways to improve your grades.

The Importance of Learning Black English

Aside from using Black English expressions to cheat, there are significant benefits to learning African American Vernacular English, particularly for individuals who are not familiar with the dialect.

For instance, Black English can help people understand the unique cultural experiences and perspectives that African Americans have. It can also assist in connecting with people from different backgrounds and building cultural bridges.

Moreover, Black English can help individuals develop empathy and understanding towards individuals from different backgrounds, which is becoming increasingly crucial in a rapidly globalizing world.


In conclusion, while cheating should never be encouraged, understanding African American Vernacular English can be a valuable tool in an English class taught by a Black teacher. By learning Black English, you can connect with people from diverse backgrounds and build essential cultural bridges that foster empathy and understanding.



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